ITCC Competitor Forms

Competition Forms

Competition organizers should have each competitor complete a registration form to be submitted prior to the event. In addition, for liability and insurance purposes, all ISA affiliated events must require each competitor to complete a release form and insurance acknowledgement form. In the event of an accident during the competition, having these forms on file will help to expedite any potential insurance claims.

Templates for required competitor forms, please include chapter information where relevant:


Competitor Registration

Release Form

Insurance Acknowledgement Form

If you are looking for forms for the ITCC or a regional event, you need to go to Climber Information for that particular event or email

Gear Inspection Forms

Competition head technicians are responsible for organizing a gear inspection for all competitors prior to the start of the competition.

©International Society of Arboriculture 2009-2025
270 Peachtree Street NW, Suite 1900, Atlanta, Georgia 30303 • +1.678.367.0981

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Friday, March 28, 2025 4:24:00 PM (EST/ISA Headquarters Time)
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